About this Major

获得营养与营养学专业理学学士学位的学生将为传统的饮食习惯做好准备, non-traditional, and entrepreneurial positions in health care that utilize knowledge of food, nutrition and dietetics. 由于对营养的日益重视,受过营养培训的专业人员有许多职业选择, health and wellness. 营养与营养学专业的学生的职业选择之一是成为一名厨师 Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN).

The Nutrition and Dietetics major includes a didactic program in dietetics (DPD) 教育和培训营养专业人员的第一步是什么. In order to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), a DPD Verification Statement is required. 皇冠官网网站鼓励有新的CDR要求的学生申请皇冠官网网站的营养和营养学加速学士转硕士课程, where students can earn their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Click HERE for more information.

* CDR现在要求至少有硕士学位才有资格参加资格考试,成为注册营养师. For more information about educational pathways to become an RDN please visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


A photo of the ACEND logo.

MSU Denver’s Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
Didactic Program in Dietetics is accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, IL 60606-6995, 800-877-1600 ext. 5400


Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Option

营养学教学计划(DPD)选项是注册营养师教育和培训的必要初始步骤. In order to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), a DPD Verification Statement is required.

DPD Mission and Goals

Becoming an RDN FAQ's

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Less COF Student Share Mandatory Fees Base Total with COF Base Total Without COF
1 $411.60 $116.00 $295.60 $358.20 $653.80 $769.80
2 $823.20 $232.00 $591.20 $394.70 $985.90 $1217.90
3 $1234.80 $348.00 $886.80 $431.20 $1318.00 $1666.00
4 $1646.40 $464.00 $1182.40 $480.20 $1662.60 $2126.60
5 $2058.00 $580.00 $1478.00 $516.70 $1994.70 $2574.70
6 $2469.60 $696.00 $1773.60 $588.20 $2364.80 $3057.80
7 $2881.20 $812.00 $2069.20 $640.10 $2709.30 $3521.30
8 $3292.80 $928.00 $2364.80 $676.60 $3041.40 $3969.40
9 $3704.40 $1044.00 $2660.40 $713.10 $3373.50 $4417.50
10 $4116.00 $1160.00 $2956.00 $749.60 $3705.60 $4865.60
11 $4527.60 $1276.00 $3251.60 $786.10 $4037.70 $5313.70
12 $4939.20 $1392.00 $3547.20 $846.50 $4393.70 $5785.70
13 $5350.80 $1508.00 $3842.80 $883.00 $4725.80 $6233.80
14 $5762.40 $1624.00 $4138.40 $919.50 $5057.90 $6681.90
15 $6174.00 $1740.00 $4434.00 $956.00 $5390.00 $7130.00
16 $6585.60 $1856.00 $4729.60 $992.50 $5722.10 $7578.10
17 $6997.20 $1972.00 $5025.20 $1092.00 $6054.20 $8026.20
18 $7408.80 $2088.00 $5320.80 $1065.50 $6386.30 $8474.30

NON Resident Tuition and Fees by Credit Hour

Credit Hour Total Tuition Mandatory Fees Base Total
1 $919.70 $358.20 $1,277.90
2 $1,839.40 $394.70 $2,234.10
3 $2,759.10 $431.20 $3,190.30
4 $3,678.80 $480.20 $4,159.00
5 $4,598.50 $516.70 $5,115.20
6 $5,518.20 $588.20 $6,106.40
7 $6,437.90 $640.10 $7,078.00
8 7.357.60 $676.60 $8,034.20
9 $8,277.30 $713.10 $8,990.40
10 $9,197.00 $749.60 $9,946.60
11 $10,116.70 $786.10 $10,902.80
12 $11,036.40 $846.50 $11,882.90
13 $11,956.10 $883.00 $12,839.10
14 $12,875.80 $919.50 $13,795.30
15 $13,795.50 $956.00 $14,751.50
16 $14,715.20 $992.50 $15,707.70
17 $15,634.90 $1,029.00 $16,663.90
18 $16,554.60 $1,065.50 $17,620.10


Mandatory Fees: Academic Year 2023-2024

Credit Hour Auraria Bond Intercollegiate Athletics Campus Recreation Tivoli Park Facility Clean Energy Student Affairs Student Technology Phoenix Center Metro Bond Health & Wellness Total
1 $50.80 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $8.70 $3.50 $27.80 $107.50 $358.20
2 $50.80 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $17.40 $3.50 $55.60 $107.50 $394.70
3 $50.80 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $26.10 $3.50 $83.40 $107.50 $431.20
4 $63.30 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $34.80 $3.50 $111.20 $107.50 $480.20
5 $63.30 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $56.90 $43.50 $3.50 $139.00 $107.50 $516.70
6 $63.30 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $52.20 $3.50 $166.80 $107.50 $588.20
7 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $60.90 $3.50 $194.60 $107.50 $640.10
8 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $69.60 $3.50 $222.40 $107.50 $676.60
9 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $78.30 $3.50 $250.20 $107.50 $713.10
10 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $87.00 $3.50 $278.00 $107.50 $749.60
11 $78.70 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $95.70 $3.50 $305.80 $107.50 $786.10
12 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $104.40 $3.50 $333.60 $107.50 $846.50
13 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $113.10 $3.50 $361.40 $107.50 $883.00
14 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $121.80 $3.50 $389.20 $107.50 $919.50
15 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $130.50 $3.50 $417.00 $107.50 $956.00
16 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $139.20 $3.50 $444.80 $107.50 $992.50
17 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $147.90 $3.50 $472.60 $107.50 $1,029.00
18 $102.60 $47.80 $38.60 $6.60 $10.00 $91.90 $156.60 $3.50 $500.40 $107.50 $1,065.50

Click or tap table to scroll for entire table >

MSU Denver mascot Rowdy in celebratory pose in front of Tivoli.




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For more information on the Nutrition and Dietetics Major, please contact the Department of Nutrition. Click below to send us an email!

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Department of Nutrition


Office Location:
West Classroom 254

Office Hours:
8:00am – 5:00pm

Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Nutrition
Campus Box 33N
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362